School Activities


First Half Season SportsGirls 4-6th grade Volleyball season start  August Girls 7-8th grade Volleyball season start  AugustBoys & Girls 4-6th grade Cross Country season start AugustBoys 4-6th grade Baseball season start OctoberBoys JV So...

The Antilles Jazz Ensemble is an after-school program made up of middle and high school students who excel in musical skill and performance and are interested in playing big band jazz.  AJE is going in to its 9th year and performs several tim...

Meeting Time: The AJE will meet on Thursdays, Fridays and one Saturday of the month, TBD.

BOYS & GIRLS 4TH - 6TH Soccer Tuesday & Thursday 3:00 - 4:00 PM AMS (Middle SOCCER FIELD)Bring your own water bottle.After school buses will be runningCoach Canabal "Nani" nanette.canabal@dodea.eduBoys 7th & 8th BasketballMonday Tuesday...

EligibilityAcademicStudent athletes must have a cumulative 2.0 grade average and must have no more than one "F" during a nine week quarter marking period. Grades used to determine eligibility will be recorded on report cards. Grades used to determine...

Our AVID program carried out a school-wide donations drive to collect firstaid and home essentials for the families affected by the earthquakes inPuerto Rico. The school collected over 800 items that were personallydelivered to families and children'...

Students who take Band as a class during regular school hours will attend after school rehearsals to prepare for the winter and spring concerts. Depending on their skill levels, students will be assigned to either the Beginning or Intermediate Band.

Meeting Time: Intermediate Band members will meet on Monday afternoons from 3:00 to 4:00 PM. Beginning Band members will meet on Wednesday afternoons from 3:00 to 4:00 PM - Spring Semester only.

The AMS Math Club has about 35 members from grades 5-8. It is for any student who enjoys math and wants to spend time with others who share this interest. The club meets once a month for "MathMadness" Activities after school for 5th and 6th graders. ...

The National Junior Honor Members are a group of students selected based on specific requirements. It is a distinction to be part of the group because of its significance. Students are highlighted for their academic achievement, community service and...

Meeting Time: After school

The AMS Read180, AVID, Student Council and NJHS program students deliveredcare packages this week to 63 soldiers who had newly arrived from deploymentin Honduras. The students had a chance to personally thank the soldiers fortheir sacrifice and hardw...

The parents went through the Read 180 stations just as the students do in class; They were exposed to the skills that the students will touch on in Read 180 and learned about the reading resources their children will be using this year within the cla...

The Student Council of Antilles Middle School exists to raise and maintain the standards of the school in all possible ways, to promote school activities and school spirit, to provide for the development of democratic citizenship, to improve student-...

Meets on: Wednesday

Meeting Time: 7:00 a.m. (General Council)

Club members will work together after school to design, create and publish our annual yearbook. Students make use of technology such as online photo-editing sites, learn about copyright infringement, free-copyright services, etc. Students also learn ...

Meeting Time: After School

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