Athletics Policies, Procedures and Forms



Student athletes must have a cumulative 2.0 grade average and must have no more than one "F" during a nine week quarter marking period. Grades used to determine eligibility will be recorded on report cards. Grades used to determine ineligibility will be the nine-week quarter grades only. Eligibility/ineligibility for fall extracurricular activities is determined by the fourth quarter grades only from the previous year. Students who are ineligible at the end of the fourth quarter, either because they have more than one failure for the quarter or they have below a 2.0 cumulative average may become eligible for the first quarter of the upcoming school year if they take at least one course in summer school that raises their cumulative GPA above a 2.0 once summer school work is computed.


  • Students are required to be in school the full day on the day of a weekday game. The only exception is for an appointment approved by the school administration in advance.
  • A student cannot be absent from school and attend practice or participate in athletic game or program except for an excused absence approved by the administration in advance.
  • A student who has "2 or more unexcused tardies" on the day of a scheduled athletic game or program is ineligible for participation in that event.
  • A student suspended from school is not eligible to participate for the next scheduled competition.
  • A student who has 7 unexcused absences in a semester is subject to be removed from the team

Eligibility: All students that meet Athletic Eligibility rules may tryout at scheduled tryouts.

Practice Schedule

  • Time: After School

For any questions, contact the Athletic Director Mr. Martinez or Mr. Ricardo Dejesus at AMS. Or call 787-707-2461.

Point of Contact

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